Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Edward Fever <3

Yes, as the stock market flows along a rollercoaster, history is rewritten in the White House, Page 3 celebrities walk the red carpet during the Golden Globe and the world goes about its regular troubles and turmoil, I become more and more obsessed with every aspect of this bloodsucking vampire. Like every other high school/college going girl I have caught the Edward fever. His perfection, His elegance, His love; Every other boy seems like a disappointment when compared to Edward's flawless personality, beauty, purity and charm. You can't help but gasp for air a little as you picture his hard square stone jaw and his thick full lips, curve into a smile that reaches his liquid golden eyes. Many of my friends have warned me that when I read the fourth book [Breaking Dawn] my fascination for him would dwindle, but I can only wonder what would disappoint me so much as to even dislike him. Impossible. He is flawless. {Note: I am only one fourth of the way through Eclipse}

It frustrates me to think what IS so special about 'Isabella Swan' that this dreamy vampire is willing to end his existence if she weren't in the world. She is like any other normal girl who trips, falls and spills things. Clumsy, Nothing special I suppose? I always lean toward the possibility that her immunity to Edward's mind-reading gift plays a significant role. His undying curiosity about her thoughts and feelings is the source of her magnetic character. It is truly stated that the forbidden fruit is always the sweetest. However, I do admire Bella's character, for one she loves Edward rather than his polished silver Volvo. I am quite curious as to how she will be reacting to Edward's restraints and possessiveness considering Jacob Black. It might surprise some that it is this ONE quality of his that I truly admire. I would not want anything more than to have my boyfriend take a defensive stance and flare his fangs at any harm that comes my way. lol

I can't help to admire how delicately and lovingly Edward handles Bella. It makes this wonderful love story all the more what it is; a fictional story. I don't know if boys 'somewhat' like Edward really do exist, I haven't seen much of the world to actually say that it is entirely impossible. [I really do have to emphasize the word 'somewhat' for a no one could possibly be Edward] However, Edward will live forever through the minds of young girls who are still waiting for their vampire to lift them off their feet onto his back and glide through the forest.
thats all from the mind of soni

signing out <3

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Its been long...its been forever... 

college has eatten up most of my time but it has been one great semester... first semester of college was everything i wanted and much more... it was a bumpy ride but i made it through.. though i am not happy with my results... i know i will work much more next semester... as they say i have learnt from my mistakes..

winter break is veryy relaxing but SOOO boring...  

photoshop has officially become my rescue from the hell hole of boredum! i have acquired quite a few skills through tutorials... 

just displaying few of my favorite works :)