Friday, July 4, 2008

Chicken Soup for the Sick Soul

absolutely brilliant way to start of my wonderful weekend...
102 degree fever...[Fahrenheit!!!...mind wouldn't like being fried]...sore throat...sinus and massive blasting headache...pleasant huh???
to save the day -- my darling wonderful friend to be referred to as 'anonymous' came along..
she wonderfully invited me to her house so she can pamper me with shahi panner, kher and various other delicacies....which she took the initiatve to cook herself... :D...anyways...we had a rather intelectual discussion/argument... on the hotly debated topic of this year...'SC/OBC reservations'... i will refrain from quoting her directly but her general arument was that it is COMPLETELY unfair that people are being admitted into institutions based on their class/tribe rather than by their merit... she believes these 'gawaar-non-english-speaking people' don't deserve these many seats...
alrite my points....i completely agree that creamy layer should be included as part of the reservations for SC BUT eliminating the reservation system all i don't think so... in my opinion... merit is decided by the ruling party... the so called 'upper class' what are these children supposed to do as they don't HAVE the facilities to be able to compete with the 'elite'...don't the upper class have an advantage there... for once maybe one should think over the phase 'briding the gap' ...the gap between the upper class and lower class...the gap between the rich and on and so forth..
'They say we are young and useless,
but I say we are the most important
people right now; because we are what
our world will be made up of soon.*'
now as both of us realized quite soon that neither one was actually LISTENING to the other.. rather just waiting for their chance to yell back and argue [being BAD active]... we decided to head to the market...but some cosmopoletan and femina magazines and have an intelectual discussion on fashion/ bollywood/ boys/ sex.... lolzz....
i truely am thankful to her for accompanying me in my battle with the 'cold virus'...lolzz... friendz....they are you undeclared SLAVES...haha
signing out for the night with some quotes, photos and icons (¯`·._.·[Soni]._.·´¯).


Srutisagara Das said...

Gud point made Soni, ya its rite I mean students who r in d villages n other backward areas dont hav all d exposure n gud access 2 education. Reservation comes as a blessin 2 them which is required; reservation doesnot mean that any tom, dick n harry will get into some gud inst, its jus that the system takes into account that a student who cud hav had better facilities cud hav done lot better n so is given an equivalent position. But havin everythin on d basis of caste is not a vry gud idea, i mean there r ppl who belong 2 upper castes but r poor n in many cases more backward than SC/ST or OBCs. Even these ppl shud b taken into account.
Another point which I wud lyk 2 raise is that reservation shud b limited 2 Undergrad level only, since after d student gets gud educaton he/she will hav d allmost same oppurtunities as an upper caste student.
But amidst all this the Govt forgets one imp thing, u r doin all this abt Higher education but wat abt Primary education. Believe me if the basics of a student is strong enough, if even d school is gud enough d student wont need these reservations. Schooling is vry important n it is vry imp for d progress of our Nation, reservations shud come next 2 d issue of development of educational infrastructure in semi-urban n rural areas.

Soni said...

i mean u for once make some GOOD points...
bout the poor people from the upper class... etc. etc..
AND your wonderful point about PRIMARY education rather than higher education..:D